Thursday, October 14, 2010

someday over the rainbow

crikey. What a fucked couple of weeks. Really, what a fucked couple of months. Really, the previous decade can just go fuck off a pier.

whew! I am wicked cranky. I have a cold/flu despite getting a motherfucking flu shot and taking all my happy vitamins and getting enough sleep and not going out and the echinacea and the golden seal...oy.

The onset of the cold/flu was kind of a relief because I was all like, "Serious? With the depression? and the low energy? Is this how it's gonna be?"

Because as not thrilled as I am about some things - oh, and I am SO NOT THRILLED about some things, we were talking the hopeless awful anxiety depression.

You know, the one I'm all medicated for. OOOPS.

Even though I do have health insurance - yay! being a student at a giant healthcare factory! - going through the whole off one thing onto another is. just. such. a. drag.

You know what's not a drag? Canton ginger and hot almond milk. I think I'll have some more.


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