Monday, January 04, 2010

in the year 2525

What the hell is that song? Anyway! HI! I have found that I like to say, "two thousand ten," so there.

HI. I fell apart between thanksgiving and new year's. Well, I did not fall apart, my blogging fell apart because I was insanely busy and stressed. Gah. While I unequivocally love thanksgiving, I have a love/hate with Christmas.

It's expensive! It's stressful! And even when it's lovely, as mine was, it's emotionally draining. And then instead of getting a chance to recuperate, there's New Year's!

I worked on New Year's and it was mellow, thank goodness, and we were done soon after midnight, and everybody was out of the restaurant before midnight, so we toasted and finished up and J and I went to my house and ate snacks and drank a bottle of Prosecco and went to bed.

New Year's day we had

Green Eggs and Ham

Eggs scrambled with tomatoes, green onions and ham and served on tortillas with the leftover Guacamole from Wednesday's Nebraska Game chips and beer and pizza night.

And then we went to see Up In the Air and came home and made brats and kraut and applesauce.


All the stress and over indulgence of the holiday season has left me with a horrid head cold, a messy house and a hefty weight gain.

But I am nice and warm in my house with the cat, even though it is 18 degrees outside. Which by the way, WTF, Pittsburgh? Average temperature for this time of year is 36 degrees. 36 is a number I can handle. 18?! Is another story entirely. A story that centers around an 18 year old car that does not appreciate the cold in her old engine parts, making her extremely reluctant to start. To her credit, as she is a reliable old girl, she will start, eventually, but not with out me contemplating in despair taking the bus to work.

So I leave you with this:

Gingered Hot Toddy

Put in your favorite mug:

3 coins of fresh ginger
1/4 of a lemon
a shot of the whiskey of your choice
1 T honey
some candied ginger if you have it

add boiling water to fill. Stir until honey is melted. Sip while huddled under blankets, preferably with a cat on your lap.