Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tahini and Miso are BFF

Dudes. I have had this blog since 2006 and average 3 posts a year. Jeez. That's terrible! How are you going to learn how to cook if all I can manage is 3 posts a year?!

That said, I have nothing to offer you. I am still playing with almond macaroons. I made some meringues the other day. I did not whip the whites to sufficient peak stiffness, nor did I have granulated sugar. So I used powdered. Note to self: FAIL. Also? I was too impatient for the "Forgotten Cookies" to be done. So instead of shutting off the oven and leaving them there for, "2 hours or overnight," I turned the oven back on and they browned. They tasted like burnt marshmallows with almonds and chocolate chips. Which is to say, not bad, but not...right.

I also made a delicious marinade for tofu (or whatever) but didn't pay attention to amounts.

Siracha, Tahini, Miso, Soy Sauce, rice wine vinegar from the pickled ginger I made. Tahini and Miso? Together? OMG.

Must give props to cookbook called something like, "Vegan Cooking for Students," or some such. The only recipe I remember from said book was for grated carrots tossed with equal amounts miso and tahini.

And that is where I learned that Miso and Tahini are BFF.

Now you know.

Extra added bonus? I just realized that I do have granulated sugar. Now I just have to wait for the humidity to back off again.

1 comment:

Thendara said...

hello post please lest keep the blog contact alive now that you are gone.